Important information about buying a horse
As soon as the basic challenges (time expenditure, care, running costs etc.) which are connected with a horse purchase are clarified, the purchase of a horse becomes more concrete. We have compiled relevant information in this short video about buying a horse (only in German) – click here.
A first question concerns the age of the desired horse. Young horses are not yet fully grown, the bones and organs change over time. With full-grown horses, one of the main questions is how to keep and handle the horse.
The longer a horse has been in a “bad environment”, the greater mental illness may be present. Psychological illnesses are usually only detected after the purchase, i.e. when the horse is in its new environment.
Finally, the use of the horse must be determined. The more valuable and professional the horse is to be used, e.g. show horse, race horse, etc., the more important a holistic check is.
The purchase of a horse should not be made without a horse hair analysis for two important reasons (risk of wrong purchase):
- A hair analysis reveals any physical and psychological problems that may be present.
- The results of a hair analysis reveal certain predispositions. These could possibly cause problems for the horse in the course of time (see results of hair analysis, diseases).
To quote german hippologist Georg Graf von Lehndorff:
“A good racehorse requires first of all, health, secondly, health and finally a lot of health”.
Of course, a horse hair analysis is much more comprehensive, see the point Scope of an analysis on this website. The risk of buying a “problem horse” can be greatly reduced with a hair analysis.
You have already bought a horse that was below your expectations? Safeguard the purchase of your next horse. Order a horse hair analysis now.
Avoid a bad purchase
It is easy to find out whether the horse you have bought is a bad purchase. The following examples will help you decide.
Variant 1: A “healthy” horse is to be purchased.
The purchased horse has various illnesses or psychological preloads. Wrong purchase.
Variant 2: A high-performance horse (show horse, race horse) is to be purchased.
The purchased horse has neither the disposition, nor the physical or psychological prerequisites to achieve the desired goal. Bad purchase.
Variant 3: A “low-maintenance” horse is to be purchased.
According to the horse hair analysis, the purchased horse is psychologically as well as physically conspicuous. Various dispositions are present, so that regular treatment costs are to be expected. Bad purchase.
In the past you bought horses more or less according to your “gut feeling”? You did not know if the horse has the potential to win races / tournaments at all?
With a hair analysis it can be determined how great the potential of a horse is. To find out more, please contact the therapist personally on +49 171 – 578 3744.